BODY CARE: Cosmetics for people who love sport and fitness
Physical activity dictates trends. Even in cosmetics. The last frontier of bodycare is “active beauty“: formulas that enhance the effects of training or even imitate its benefits thanks to “gym effect” ingredients. And remise en forme is a lazy-proof strategy. The confirmation comes from the statistics: in Italy over 20 million people practice physical activity at various levels of intensity. One hundred and fifty minutes per week of moderate activity (or 75 of vigorous activity) to be divided into 2-3 sessions per week would be the minimum level of exercise recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) for adults aged 18 to 64. In fact, the movement is a constant appointment on the weekly agenda of many people. But to understand why the fitness phenomenon has crossed the threshold (also psychological) of gyms, swimming pools and sports fields, to make your way through the city streets, just look around. It’s called “athleisure” (the name comes from the union of the English terms “athletic”, sporty, and “leisure”, free time) and is the art of wearing sneakers with the suit without giving up on glamor: a fashion, but also a lifestyle, where well-being and love for themselves (finally) earn a front row seat. “Athbeauty” is its cosmetic equivalent: formulas that are inspired by athletics, that train for and with us and not only: they enhance and prolong the beneficial effects of sport, even if it is minimal.
In body care, there is an “active beauty” trend, active formulas, enhanced by “gym effect” ingredients. But what does it mean active ingredients, and which are the top ones (and most effective) in the dozens of products arriving on the shelves? On the podium of the formulations body, pomegranate, exotic plants, algae and caffeine.
Pomegranate oil is an excellent lipolytic.
The smartest ingredients then come from the sea: algae, from chlorella to laminaria to red varieties. Not only do they effectively eliminate excess fluids but they also clean up toxins and support the production of collagen and elastin, which support the skin. Plankton is another interesting active: the microorganism of the oceans would even be able to stimulate adiponectin, the hormone that is generated when we exercise.
And then, the great classics: caffeine, ginko biloba, carnitine, escin, ginger, microcirculation boosters, oxygenate the tissues and enhance the effectiveness of the active ingredients, while essential oils of mint, cypress, lemon peel, lavender, give an extra freshness and post-workout relief.
Global cosmetics has created products for this need with new generation active ingredients, hot and cold sensory effects, ideal for pre and post workout. Ask for information for your custom line.