Haircare and Skincare: the fusion of two souls

Haircare and Skincare: the fusion of two souls.

One of the biggest trends of the moment is #skinification, the tendency to create make-up and hair care products inspired by the concepts of effectiveness of ingredients traditionally used in the skincare world. The basic concept is to put the skin at the center of one’s cosmetic habits, regardless of the area of ​​application of the product itself because the skin does not end at the hairline.

Think, for example, of a foundation that makes up by bringing the benefits of a moisturizer or a serum for the scalp that acts in a targeted manner as if it were designed for the face.

In particular, #hairskinification expresses the ever-increasing tendency to take care of the scalp with the same attention that is paid daily especially to the face. This is where super-performing shampoos and serums are born, aimed at solving scalp problems or maintaining its correct state of health.

Products designed with skinification logic are increasingly multifunctional, designed to bring the same benefits to the skin of the face, body and scalp, without distinction. Let’s imagine that we can apply the same product on the face and on the body. Two important benefits derive from this: on one hand, the certainty of applying the same ingredients, at the same concentration on both areas, on the other, the reduction of the time needed to complete one’s daily beauty routine. The first is very close to our hearts because we firmly believe that the cosmetic product must be effective as well as pleasant to apply.

FACE&SCALP formulation proposal

Our research and development team, specialized in the formulation of products for the hair care and skin care sector, has decided to focus its attention on this topic with the aim of unifying the expertise in these two areas in a single hybrid product. This is where performance hair care literally merges with the effectiveness of skincare treatments.

Micellar lotion

Concentrated aqueous lotion indicated for the treatment of acne-prone combination skin that suffers from facial lucidity, the presence of blackheads and whiteheads and a greasy scalp with hair that gets dirty quickly.

Soothing serum

Fluid emulsion characterized by a liquid consistency and light afterfeel, typical of face serums. The innovative texture allows it to be applied daily and without rinsing on the face, body and scalp without weighing down or leaving traces on the stem.

Balancing serum

Emulsion with a liquid consistency and a light afterfeel. Its texture allows it to be applied daily and without rinsing on the skin of the face and scalp without weighing it down or leaving traces.




I brand sono come individui perché devono essere raccontati e valorizzati per renderli unici e distintivi. L’identità si crea nei dettagli. 
Per questo anche l’approccio di un progetto in private label dovrebbe essere sempre proposto con i valori di un brand perché per avere successo un prodotto deve essere sviluppato partendo dal posizionamento a scaffale.

Per questo motivo il dipartimento Marketing di Global Cosmesi, diretto da Silvia Conconi che arriva da esperienze di branding da note multinazionali, trasforma le proposte dei progetti in private label in marchi pronti alla vendita, coordinando tutti i dettagli: dal pack ai colori, dalla narrativa comunicativa alle novità dei principi attivi che possano costruire uno story telling forte e avvincente. Si arriva in questo modo alla costruzione dell’identità, della personalità ed equità della marca e del prodotto. 

“Ci piace costruire un sogno e non un elenco di informazioni. Mettiamo al centro la marca e la facciamo dialogare con il mercato attraverso la costruzione del suo universo valoriale. Traduciamo il beneficio in corretta visione strategica, trasformando il bisogno in buona capacità tattica e sommando le idee chiare a una efficace capacità narrativa”. Ed è proprio la capacità narrativa e la capacità di entrare nel cuore del prodotto, enfatizzando ogni dettaglio, che ha permesso a molti nostri clienti di lanciare brand di successo.
Un ulteriore prezioso alleato nell’interpretazione dello scenario comunicativo è l’interesse al mondo della moda, dell’interior design e del visual merchandising che consente di intercettare trend e tendenze e portarle nel mondo della cosmetica.

Creatività e capacità di strutturare strategie per far emergere la marca e distinguerla sono gli elementi che ci hanno consentito in poco tempo di sviluppare nuovi clienti sia in Italia che all’estero.  

“Ogni prodotto a scaffale deve trasferire al cliente finale informazioni di valore, ma anche emozioni e personalità. Il prodotto deve vivere tenendo conto di tutti gli aspetti sensoriali come texture, colori, profumi e sensazioni, senza perdere di vista l’approccio green che è alla base delle nostre proposte”.
Offriamo sempre nuovi concept marketing con diverse soluzioni di sostanze funzionali e principi attivi in linea con una comunicazione sempre più richiesta dai consumatori “GREEN” informati ed attenti ad un INCI pulito e sostenibile: attivi da agricoltura biologica e vegani, Attivi italiani a KM ZERO per chi desidera una forte connotazione del made in Italy, attivi senza glutine.

Non dimentichiamo che tutto può essere coronato da packaging green come plastiche riciclate da post consumo o plastiche derivate dalla canna da zucchero, pack con refill per evitare sprechi, vetro o carte FSC per una cosmetica sempre più ECO SOSTENIBILE.

Se vuoi creare la tua linea o il tuo prodotto attraverso un approccio di BRAND EQUITY e BRAND IDENTITY, personalizzato e su misura per tuo canale di vendita, contattaci per tutti gli approfondimenti.





What is white space for a graphic designer? In spite of what one might think, the white space, also called “negative space”, is not only to represent a gap between the various components of a graphic, but it represents a real fundamental element for the correct functioning. Whether it is a layout or a label, the latter represents one of the most important elements intentionally created to emphasize other elements within the graphics, thus conveying a mood or a specific message. If this essential element is not considered by the graph it is a serious mistake.

White is a constant and a certainty; It represents purity and balance. It is precisely this balance that dictates the union between the various elements by regulating and transmitting a pause signal to our brain, facilitating reading and facilitating the understanding of the contents. Especially when dealing with important texts, white spaces are essential because they mark the reading.

White space can be divided into two components: macro space and micro space based on how it is distributed within the page layout.

THE WHITE MACRO SPACE: it is the space between the main elements in the layout that acts as a container for the whole design.
Just think of the Google homepage.

Screen Google home page

Here is the comparison with the mozilla firefox page which, unlike google, used a gray pantone that makes the page more closed and limited.


THE MICRO WHITE SPACE: it is instead the space between one paragraph and another, between a title and the beginning of the text, between an image and the caption, but also the space between individual words or individual letters.

Reading speed and comprehension are affected by the arrangement of the text with respect to the margins.
Let’s see some examples.

The first example is much more readable and fluent; in fact, the white space around the text and between the individual words and letters lightens the text unlike example no. 2 which, due to the dark background and the limited space between individual words, makes reading difficult.

The same reasoning is used on the Web as well; here are some examples. From the news pages to the sites of major brands such as Apple, this element makes the entire page balanced, making it easier to read and understand the message.

In recent years, minimalism has been associated with modernism, and brands have been quick to adopt this style. White space is extremely useful in web design as it can help developers create sites that are easy to navigate; helping the user in faster and more immediate navigation.

Website evolution example.
Website in 1997
Website updated in the 2000s


This element also plays an important role in the cosmetics sector. Packaging is one of the key elements for the success of cosmetic products as it directly and actively influences their sale. This sector is populated by numerous similar but not identical products, often distinguishable only thanks to the packaging and graphics.

Precisely for this reason, the creation of packaging has always required numerous design and communication efforts by the marketing and graphics sector. In the previous article we addressed the importance of colors Communicating through colors. Today, however, we only analyze a single color that lays the foundations for correct graphics: white.

As we have seen so far, white space can create a high quality look, especially when the rest of the design elements (text, fonts, graphics …) are elegant or modern in style. Using white inside a packaging conveys a sense of cleanliness, purity, efficiency and simplicity. It is often associated with sustainability; highly requested in recent years and positively evaluated by consumers.

As manufacturers of cosmetics for face, body and hair care,  we develop full service private label projects and give shape, substance, color and perfume to every cosmetic inspiration.

We develop the product in complete collaboration with the customer: from its formulation, to the graphic layout, to the search for active ingredients or special raw materials, arriving at complete customization.



Have you ever heard of CLEAN BEAUTY'?

Cleancosmetics is still evolving in purity and plays with the idea that it could even be eaten and is therefore now called ‘baby proof’, with components so pure and reliable that they are proof against children who might mistakenly taste them. In fact, these are not products to actually eat but a new category of cosmetics containing ingredients that are originally edible and that grow at a surprising speed of 200% per year (Nielsen 2018) and that was created to meet the growing needs of consumers more attentive to green, natural and organic.
“68% of consumers expect greater transparency from the beauty and personal care industries. These are highly trained customers, who know the formulas, ingredients and sources preferring organic, clean, natural, green cosmetics and who instead discard those based on ingredients suspected of being toxic, such as silicones, essential oils, fragrances, sodium lauryl sulfate, chemical filters and alcohol. 53% of consumers argue that the absence of these components is more important than the possible effectiveness of the products. The success of cosmetics based on edible ingredients is linked precisely to the strong and growing demand for safety “.
And if this cosmetic is associated with a pack with bio based or post-consumer recycled plastics, you can create a that goes beyond green certification. A new cosmetic frontier that few companies are able to formulate and propose.
Global Cosmetics has succeeded! Contact us for all information and develop your skincare line with us.



BODY CARE: Cosmetics for people who love sport and fitness

Physical activity dictates trends. Even in cosmetics. The last frontier of bodycare is “active beauty“: formulas that enhance the effects of training or even imitate its benefits thanks to “gym effect” ingredients. And remise en forme is a lazy-proof strategy. The confirmation comes from the statistics: in Italy over 20 million people practice physical activity at various levels of intensity. One hundred and fifty minutes per week of moderate activity (or 75 of vigorous activity) to be divided into 2-3 sessions per week would be the minimum level of exercise recommended by the WHO (World Health Organization) for adults aged 18 to 64. In fact, the movement is a constant appointment on the weekly agenda of many people. But to understand why the fitness phenomenon has crossed the threshold (also psychological) of gyms, swimming pools and sports fields, to make your way through the city streets, just look around. It’s called “athleisure” (the name comes from the union of the English terms “athletic”, sporty, and “leisure”, free time) and is the art of wearing sneakers with the suit without giving up on glamor: a fashion, but also a lifestyle, where well-being and love for themselves (finally) earn a front row seat. “Athbeauty” is its cosmetic equivalent: formulas that are inspired by athletics, that train for and with us and not only: they enhance and prolong the beneficial effects of sport, even if it is minimal.

In body care, there is an “active beauty” trend, active formulas, enhanced by “gym effect” ingredients. But what does it mean active ingredients, and which are the top ones (and most effective) in the dozens of products arriving on the shelves? On the podium of the formulations body, pomegranate, exotic plants, algae and caffeine.

Pomegranate oil is an excellent lipolytic.
The smartest ingredients then come from the sea: algae, from chlorella to laminaria to red varieties. Not only do they effectively eliminate excess fluids but they also clean up toxins and support the production of collagen and elastin, which support the skin. Plankton is another interesting active: the microorganism of the oceans would even be able to stimulate adiponectin, the hormone that is generated when we exercise.
And then, the great classics: caffeine, ginko biloba, carnitine, escin, ginger, microcirculation boosters, oxygenate the tissues and enhance the effectiveness of the active ingredients, while essential oils of mint, cypress, lemon peel, lavender, give an extra freshness and post-workout relief.

Global cosmetics has created products for this need with new generation active ingredients, hot and cold sensory effects, ideal for pre and post workout. Ask for information for your custom line.





The label of a product, especially in the cosmetic sector, plays a fundamental role. Thanks to the numerous printing possibilities, it acts as a persuasive tool; more the label is unique and particular and more it attracts the customer’s gaze, prompting him to buy a certain type of product instead of another. The label must follow certain regulations and in addition to this, other factors such as color psychology must also be considered. In fact, all the graphics revolve around the use of the correct color and the use of the right font and correct graphic line. These two elements together determine psychological and emotional effects that contribute to giving uniqueness to the label. However, we must not forget another equally important element in the composition of a cosmetic product: packaging. The uniqueness factor is also important with regards to packaging because if the consumer considers your product unique and effective, it is also difficult for him to think of something alternative to replace it. Thanks to packaging, you can build a relationship with the customer based on the uniqueness of the brand, but also on the uniqueness of the identity of the consumer.
All the elements of a graphic are not left to chance, clearly we should not even exaggerate or putting too many elements could make our product ambiguous and confused, so sometimes the payoff “less is more” can be useful in creating a new brand.
We must focus on a few essential elements that enhance and make the product unique. Precisely for this reason many times the graphic and marketing work behind a certain brand is the result of a long research and development work.

As a Global Cosmesi company we have developed several brands starting from the design on paper and ending with products on the market.  Als we creted different brand with Green Plastcs such as braskem and recycled PET.

Trust our marketing consultants to create your line.




As more and more people will spend a lot of time at home, we expect that the main focus will be on self-care and well-being, rather than what it looks like.
The concept of “How you feel is more important than how you appear” will become central and bring various benefits to the skincare sector. This opens up the opportunity for companies to create premium skincare collections, renewing the packaging, fragrances and ingredients used.
Finally, there will be a strong need to find new rituals to disconnect from the online world and take care of yourself. For this reason, one could think, for example, of fragrance and skincare rituals that help the consumer to relax after a long day of work or products dedicated to indoor physical exercise that more and more people practice every day.
There is a growing trend to favor ingredients from our land and to place raw materials and their origin at the center of the narrative, paying particular attention if they come from faraway places.
For this reason, Global Cosmesi has created highly sensorial formulas with zero KM Italian active ingredients to support these requests: from Date Oil to Pistachio Oil, from Prickly Pear to Citrus Fruits of Sicily, from Biological Myrtle to Volcanic Stone.
An entirely Mediterranean and Made in Italy story telling.
Request samples and discover the enveloping fragrances that will immerse you in this world of sensations and colors.




Graphics is what combines typography, illustration and printing to inform, persuade or educate the viewer. Nowadays this is not limited only to the printed paper but also to the web sector, a communication tool now used by all companies for marketing strategies through social media and website.
Today, however, we decided to talk about something else: about the history and the origin of the graphics, forgetting us for a moment of the web and social networks, which overwhelm us every day with an infinity of information and messages. Graphics began to differentiate themselves from the fine arts officially in 1922 when William Addison Dwiggins, American designer, coined the term ‘graphic design‘. William was also one of the most innovative degrees in the field of book design. He created some typefaces that are still used today (Metro, Caledonia, Falcon ..) “A font that blocks you in the middle of a line and asks you to admire its elegance is a bad font” he said. 
In the nineteenth century, science and technology evolved to such an extent that they also led to substantial changes in the printing field. In 1798 the first paper-making machine was born, thus promoting the development of a completely new industry. This led to a high growth in production and trade; the press thus assumed a dominant role and the readings therefore became more and more varied. In addition to the classic newspaper, illustrated magazines, business novels, comic strips, but also catalogs, flyers and advertising materials began to flourish.
It was however in the years of the second post-war period that there was a real explosion in the American graphic arts, which also imposed itself overseas. This period was characterized by the economic boom. The graphic arts were consequently purely applied for advertising purposes.
At the end of the 1900s, with the invention of the computer, a digitization of the typography took place. We then move from physical activity (character layout and manual printing) to a more virtual one through the computer and new technologies. The creative process is therefore completely revolutionized.
In this way, the graphics become available to everyone and anyone can create leaflets, brochures etc. through the use of graphic programs, making them enter to homes of many people.
Today’s graphic designer always has the same basic principles as 20/30 years ago, but everything else has changed deeply. In fact, technology greatly influences the figure of the graphic designer. Just think of the enormous change that computers and software have made, and the creation of increasingly advanced mobile phones. All this has led to chain reactions such as the invention of new applications and social networks, which represent an extraordinary marketing tool ideal for advertising the business of your company, expanding your network of contacts and thus being able to interact directly with your customers. It can therefore be said that advertising graphics are not only visual impact, but also empathy and communication.
Today Global Cosmesi offers a personalized graphics service tailored to the customer. We dress the product with the desired image to make it unique and attractive: from the study of the logo to the finished image. We have a graphic and creative department that studies and realizes the image of the product or range, providing a real and complete service to the individual customer who becomes manager and co-author of a single reference or an entire range of products.
Let yourself be inspired by some proposals to dress your line.




In the future, consumers will be very skeptical and careful when visiting stores and shopping centers. In fact, they will know that these gathering places could contain germs harmful to their health and for this reason they will increasingly prefer online shopping. The companies’ websites will have to compensate for this lack of in-store “physical experience” with highly inspirational images, a strong story-telling, detailed product descriptions and illustrations (such as videos and gifts) that evoke the texture and sensory part of the product.
Furthermore, in the absence of an in-store experience, it will be particularly important to find new solutions to make consumers try products. Technologies to virtually test make-up and hair dyes will have to become more refined and precise to gain consumer confidence.
And finally, the use of beauty boxes will allow companies to distribute their products to different customers through testers and smaller products.
This is why Global Cosmesi has created SKINCARE proposals in single-dose solutions that can satisfy this request.
Today we offer FACE MASKS in single-dose and two-dose sachets of 10/15/20 ml for different types of skin: dry, impure, mature, etc.
CREAMY MASK with nourishing effect, suitable for dry and dehydrated, dull skin. It performs an antioxidant action and acts as a protective against free radicals that are formed by the action of UV rays / smoke / pollution. For a skin that appears velvety, compact and luminous.
CLAY MASK WITH PURPLE / YELLOW / GREEN CLAY to detox. Detoxifies the skin and brightens the complexion without creating dryness. The skin is more radiant, fresh and with a brighter and healthier complexion.
These are some examples but you can customize the claims, the active ingredients, the perfumes for your brand as you see fit.
Ask for more info to create your personalized mask and take advantage of the needs of the moment to satisfy your customers.


VIRTUAL REALITY: our allied!

realtà virtuale e VR globalcosmesi

VIRTUAL REALITY: our allied!

AR or VR (augmented reality or virtual reality) enriches reality with a whole series of information to be superimposed on what the eyes see. “Increase reality” does not only mean immersing yourself in futuristic and science fiction scenarios, but trying to amaze consumers with new adverts. (as Pepsi did in London) or innovative services as in the case of the application of Ikea.

Augmented Reality is a recent and constantly evolving technology. If we wanted to define it, in a simple way, it is the representation of an altered reality in which other artificial and virtual information is superimposed on the normal reality perceived by our senses. All this begins to become public domain thanks to Google Glass which, through a small display positioned above the eye, fills the visual field with information and data on the surrounding environment of the wearer.
The concept of AR or VR, however, also conquers the make-up and skincare sector, leaving the foundation samples and lipstick testers to remain only an old memory. Many of the big names in beauty and cosmetic multinationals have thus presented consumers with the fruits of many researches and studies applied to make-up, skincare and hair styleSome companies that use it, have made an application available to the consumer that uses the recognition of Google Lens images so that they can try out the different color ranges through the camera of their smartphone. Another company has also bet on virtual reality, launching a revolutionary project in the field of hairstyling. It is a mirror with augmented reality that will be positioned inside the hairdressing salons and through a facial recognition mechanism it offers looks, colors and hairstyles, offering a 360 ° view to the customer.

The concept of AR, however, has started to take its first steps in much more technical and specific areas such as military and scientific and medical research. The first examples of augmented reality were introduced in the air force sector in the form of a head-up display (overlay vision) on fighter planes to show pilots flight data. Virtual reality is also having an important impact in the medical scientific research sector: its ability to simulate a real experience, thus recreating a three-dimensional environment similar to that perceived daily, makes it the ideal tool for research, study and development of new therapies, even during Coronavirus times (Covid-19).

In recent years, in fact, there has been a rapid evolution of technology so as to find positive results in the use of virtual reality applied to the management of acute and chronic pain, anxiety disorders, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorders, food and in rehabilitation. In addition, AR or VR is also of great importance in the field of professional health training; just think of the possibility for a surgeon to simulate an operation in a controlled virtual environment. Up to now we can say that Virtual Reality has improved many aspects of our life so that we can become our real ally in the future. Only continuous research and development in this sector can help improve the effects and consequently increase the applications and results of this technology in the medical field and beyond.
