The GREEN Heart of shades
From purchasing the necessary components, in order to create specific products for a private label line, to selling them, the step may seem short. Instead, it is an articulated path, sometimes difficult, shared by different users, the result of study, analysis, resources, energy, dedication. All with one common denominator: reaching the customer’s heart.
Along the highway you can see the Tiffany-colored shed of the company, semi-hidden, almost invisible, were it not for a precious metal sign, yellow and gray. Global Cosmetics.
Global, in the contemporary everyday life, perhaps refers to that sense of union, strength, trust which, in recent times, seems to have disappeared. In the humid silence of the Ferrara plain, between the gray of a six-month-long fog, fomented by the inevitable smog of the industrialized world, a group of skills put in place to be able to create successful brands, transforming gray into a symphony of customised colors.
In the logic of complete efficiency, in order to best meet the current needs of a national as well as international clientele, the Global Cosmetics departments are focused on work aimed at pursuing these needs, intersecting the guidelines dictated by the customers themselves. Dynamism, cooperation, multitasking, versatility are the key words. Here the purchasing department, followed by Federica Taddia, is the culmination of a sort of “full-service” option, which starts from the embryonic phase linked to the order of packaging and raw materials, to reach the final export stage for the export of the finished product, born from the fusion of the single elements, in coordination with the other departments. Federica, in this dual function, by managing the project from purchase to shipping, gives Global Cosmesi the possibility to offer the customer complete control of the product, thus also following the export phase, apparently complex, as necessary, on the day of ‘today.
With a view to complying with all the procedures envisaged, following the trends and the continuous regulatory changes, the entirety of the functions of the various departments becomes synonymous with efficiency, with a common goal: to give concrete form to customers’ ideas. Where the Tiffany light blue is colored, tinged with a thousand shades, involving the GREEN background that the planet asks us, in spite of itself, to respect.
Each sector, in the correct succession of its tasks, prepares the work for the next step, with the intention of reaching the same goal. The satisfaction of the individual is transposed into the satisfaction of many. This creates the whole. This is Global Cosmesi.