The product must go out flawless on the market also from the point of view of the legislation that must necessarily accompany it with regulatory laws, both European and International.
Thanks to the regulatory office, we accompany the customer alongside the “bureaucratic” part, often poorly digested by all those who distribute cosmetic products. Our dedicated staff competently manages the problems that the customer encounters in order to simplify this fundamental phase for the correct product placing on the market.
Each project can be regulated by specific contracts that protect the confidentiality and exclusive ownership of the project by the customer, just as we are, in turn, towards suppliers with regards to raw materials, packaging and design.
Here find our Regulatory services:
- PIF document
- CPNP notification management
- Cosmetic security
- Assistance in drafting texts to be included on the label
- Certifications for legal registrations
- Documents necessary for the marketing of the various types of products in all countries of the world.